The 2000 East-West show at the New Otani Hotel

This is a photographic review of the some of the new and more interesting things that we saw at the East West show at the New Otani in mid-October 2000. Click on the thumbnail to bring up a larger image (size shown in kilobytes). Lighting in many of the display areas was rather dim, and the quality of many of the photographs suffered as a result, particularly in the depth of field and focus, but the more acceptable are included.

Andy Phillips (Andy's Orchids) consistently puts together a fine display of nothing but species. His display at the New Otani garnered the AOS Show Trophy, the AOS Gold Medal certificate and the New Otani Trophy, and was truly spectacular, towering 10 feet in the air next to a staircase so even the plants at the top of the tree were easily visible. 46 kb.Andy's Orchids Display
Another view of Andy's Orchids prize winning display. 55 kb.Andy's Orchids Display
Another view of Andy's Orchids prize winning display. 46 kb.Andy's Orchids Display
This reddish purple Barkeria scandens was high in the tree in Andy's display. 38 kb.Barkeria scandens
This stunning flower in Andy's display is Bulbophyllum echinolabium. The flower was at least 6 inches from top to bottom and very nicely colored as well. 49 kb.Rodriguezia lanceolota
This well formed Sophronitis cernua was also in Andy's display. 43 kb.Sophronitis cernua
Andy has grown Oerstedella schweinfurthiana for many years, but it has seldom bloomed for a show. This year it was in prime condition. 50 kb.Oerstedella schweinfurthiana
Andy also had this group of Paph. purpuratum plants in his display. 50 kb.Paph. purpuratum
The Malibu Orchid Society can always be counted on for a great display. This is a part of their entry at the New Otani in 2000. They received the ODC Trophy and the trophy for the best display interpreting the theme. 67 kb.Malibu Orchid Society display
This was the Newport Harbor Orchid Society display. 68 kb.Newport Harbor Orchid Society
This was the display entered by the South Bay Orchid Society. 73 kb.South Bay Orchid Society
This display was put in by the Riverside-San Bernardino Orchid Society. 75 kb.Riverside San Bernardino Orchid Society
Sunset Orchids specializes in the odont alliance and with lycastes, and their display at the New Otani was another striking example of their current work. 69 kb.Sunset Orchids
One of the Odont alliance in the Sunset display was this Oda. Samantha Gettel 'Raspberry Sunset' which had a beautiful color and pattern, and a nice crystalline texture. 69 kb.Oda. Samantha Gettel 'Raspberry Sunset'
Another of the Odont alliance in the Sunset display was this Odm. Martin Page 'Sunset Marble' which also had a beautiful color and pattern, and a nice crystalline texture. 83 kb.Odm. Martin Page 'Sunset Marble'
Another of the Odont alliance in the Sunset display was this beautiful dark orange Wilsonara Baja Plum Tree 'Bronze Star'. 34 kb.Wilsonara Baja Plum Tree 'Bronze Star'
The Orchid Society of Southern California (OSSC) entered a large display with a huge straw cornucopia filles with orchids. This is the view from the top looking down. 51 kb.Orchid Society of Southern California
OSSC had a large section of their display devoted to Paphiopedilums, as shown here. They received the Paph. Gold Medal from the CSA. The white labels are a little distracting, however. 85 kb.OSSC Paphs
This is another view of the OSSC display showing the wide variety of orchids. The lighting in the hotel is rather dim which makes it difficult to get good photographs, and flash does not always give good results. 85 kb.OSSC Display
J. & M. Orchids entered this small display with some very nice vandas and a large Dendrochilum in the center. 80 kb.J. & M. Orchids display
This red Phrag. Noirmont in the San Gabriel Valley Orchid Society display received a B/CSA. 67 kb.Phrag. Noirmont
This Paph. Jade Pagoda nestled among several other plants in the San Gabriel Valley Orchid Society display also received a B/CSA. The lighting made it difficult to get a good picture. 46 kb.Paph. Jade Pagoda
This unnamed ascocenda hybrid, (V. Fuchs Gold x Asc. Mickey Nax), was in the Siam Orchids display. 39 kb.(V. Fuchs Gold x Asc. Mickey Nax)
Cal Orchid entered this display with a number of different types of orchids as shown here. 44 kb.Cal Orchid
One of the outstanding plants in the Cal Orchid display was this large Cattleya labiata alba which received an HCC/AOS. 38 kb.Cattleya labiata alba
Orchids of Los Osos has a number of fine Paphs, including this Paph. Dolgoldii which received a B/CSA. 59 kb.Paph. Dolgoldii
Another nice paph in the Los Osos display was this brightly colored Paph. Gloria Naugle. 59 kb.Paph. Gloria Naugle
The peloric Zygo. Kiwi Geyser 'Surprise' is producing some nice peloric Zygopetalum hybrids. Orchids of Los Osos showed several plants of a cross of (Blackii 'Negress' x Kiwi Geyser 'Surprise') which have all the peloric characteristics of the peloric parent. This is one of the group. 71 kb.(Blackii 'Negress' x Kiwi Geyser 'Surprise')
This is another of the group of peloric Zygo plants from the cross of (Blackii 'Negress' x Kiwi Geyser 'Surprise'). 68 kb.(Blackii 'Negress' x Kiwi Geyser 'Surprise')
This is another of the group of peloric Zygo plants from the cross of (Blackii 'Negress' x Kiwi Geyser 'Surprise'). We were lucky enough to get a very nice plant of this cross in the Orchids of Los Osos sales booth for a reasonable price. 76 kb.(Blackii 'Negress' x Kiwi Geyser 'Surprise')

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